About the App

The headless PWA storefront for optimal performance

Styla allows you to replace your Stencil storefront with a headless PWA storefront that is built for optimal page speed, super easy editing of pages and mobile excellence through PWA, thus boosting conversions and revenues. Once you try Styla, you'll never want to change back again.

We build the extraordinary so you can build the exceptional

Decoupled from the technical BigCommerce backend, you can keep the reliable and scalable backend ecommerce functionality (pricing, infrastructure, security, checkout, etc.) and connect it with Styla's ultra-fast frontend solution to benefit from the power of headless commerce. With Styla's highly engaging PWA, no-code page builder and best-in-class SEO, you can easily create an exceptional user experience that boasts top performance.

Scale your ecommerce business with a future-proof, cutting-edge and competitive infrastructure. Because your customers` journey happens on the frontend.

You're benefits at a glance:

  • Ultra-fast web performance: Increase the loading speed of your online store and with it all ecommerce metrics (conversion rate, revenue etc.)

  • PWA functionality: Offer customers on mobile devices an exceptional user experience - even in offline mode.

  • Improve search result ranking: Master all of Google's Core Web Vitals and boost your SEO power with PWA.

  • No code editing: Modify your store with our drag and drop page builder in seconds.

  • Composable commerce: Styla Frontend is easily composable with the entire BigCommerce eco-system e.g. review platforms, marketing automation, search, social etc. etc.

How to get started

Styla is a freemium app. You can install the app for free and edit a preview of your new storefront. Once you want to get it live, Styla is happy to sort out all missing steps with you. Don't worry, your existing storefront will stay untouched and could be reactivated at any time.

Click on the blue "Get this app" button and install the app. Once there, we will walk you through the app and show you how to use it in an interactive tour.

Install the app today. Your store will be up and running in no time.



Custom Pricing:

Free trial, $149/month under $15k GMV, 1% of GMV above $15k GMV. Special enterprise deals.


Last Updated:

May 13, 2024

This app may not be fully compatible with multi-storefront. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.


Installation GuideUser Guide
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Custom Pricing:

Free trial, $149/month under $15k GMV, 1% of GMV above $15k GMV. Special enterprise deals.


Last Updated:

May 13, 2024

This app may not be fully compatible with multi-storefront. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.


Installation GuideUser Guide
Contact Partner

App Features

Sub-second page load times

Frontend decoupling drives page load speed to the max.

Incredible page load times ensure your shop is a joy to browse for your shoppers, especially on mobile, and lets you get rewarded by search engines.

  • Styla Frontend automatically fetches your product and category data from the BigCommerce shop system and "pre-renders" all frontend pages ahead of time, decoupled from the BigCommerce backend, so that pages load incredibly fast in your shoppers' browsers

  • All your images are automatically optimized for every device, and everything is hosted by Styla on a highly available and superfast content delivery network (CDN)

  • All this lets you score over 90 out of 100 in Google's Lighthouse page speed test, an incredible score, well above the ecommerce average

  • This exceptional speed is rewarded with a better user experience for your shoppers, higher conversion rates and higher rankings by search engines

No-code content editor

  • Start creating pages without any coding knowledge with our powerful and easy-to-use editor

  • Styla's visual content editor enables you and your team to build stunning and content-rich experiences easily in minutes and without the need for developers

  • The editor has so many great features, it's best you just try it out yourself

Progressive Web App (PWA)

  • All Styla frontends are Progressive Web Apps out-of-the-box that give your mobile users an app-like experience, especially in unreliable connectivity situations, and tend to rank higher in search results

  • PWA technology makes your website feel almost like a native app on mobile and lets shoppers browse even with bad mobile connections

  • PWA gives you preferential treatment against your competitors when search engines rank your page in their results

SEO Excellence

  • Styla pages feature best-in-class on-page SEO techniques to make sure you get the most out of your content and get the organic traffic you deserve

  • Styla helps you identify optimisation potential in your content for SEO effectiveness with the built-in SEO checker

Pricing that gets you excited

  • Styla is free to test & preview indefinitely

  • Styla is free for all stores that generate under $5k gross merchandise volume (GMV)

  • If monthly GMV is $5k or more, please contact us.

Try it now with no commitment or risk!

Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5 stars with 7 reviews

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