About the App

Wishlist Plus users spend 30-50% more

Wishlist+ enables shoppers to bookmark their favorite products, and pick up where they left off when they return. And they spend a lot more! Wishlist+ users' conversion rates are 20 to 30% higher and they spend 30 to 50% more per purchase. Run personalized marketing campaigns out of the box via email, Facebook and Instagram based on wishlist activity.



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Last Updated:

June 28, 2024

This app may not be fully compatible with multi-storefront. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.


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Free Trial:

30 days

Upfront Fee:


Recurring Fee:


App Details

Partner Tier:




Last Updated:

June 28, 2024

This app may not be fully compatible with multi-storefront. Please get in touch with the technical partner for further details.


Installation Guide
Contact Partner

App Features

Best Wishlist app available

  • Easily sync user/wishlist activity across devices and make their history available to them on any of their devices.

  • Shoppers can share their Wishlist with friends and family, either through email or through social media like Facebook, Twitter and more.

  • No login needed for your shoppers to add to wishlist

  • Show number of times a product is wishlisted as social proof of the popularity of the product.

  • Send contextual emails such as 'low in stock' and 'price dropped' for wishlisted products to bring shoppers back to your site (PRO plan and above).

  • View Individual user's wishlist & add items to their wishlist as needed - particularly useful for stores having a multi-channel presence.

  • Intelligent opt-in pop-up nudges shoppers to save their email address.

Bring Shoppers Back

  • Target Wishlist+ users with personalized email campaigns.

  • Out-of-the-box Integration with email vendors like Mailchimp, Klaviyo, ReSci, Sailthru, Bronto, Dotmailer and others.

  • Out-of-the-box Integration with social media sites like Facebook, Instagram among others.

  • Out-of-the-box Integration with CRM tools like Salesforce, Zaius among others.

  • Also, Integrates with 3rd party apps like Searchanize, Bold Commerce filters, BoostCommerce among others.

Easy Customization

  • Use it out of the box in 5 minutes, customizing the look and feel to seamlessly integrate with your store's theme

  • Leverage our extensive Javascript and REST APIs to customize or extend your wishlist functionality

  • A long list of partner integrations makes a seamless implementation easy.

Insights and Analytics

Smart dashboard providing you metrics and reports of the Wishlist activities for your store.


  • ESP: Klaviyo, Bronto, dotdigital, Listrak, Retention Science, MailChimp, Sailthru, SendGrid and more.

  • CRM: Zaius, Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC), Cordial and more on the way.

  • Social/Ads: Facebook, Instagram

  • Automation: Zapier

Customer Reviews

4.92 out of 5 stars with 12 reviews

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